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Steve Smith Podcast

Mar 31, 2023

Newport Police Chief Alex Lee is here as we talk about roads being posted, update on the death last week / court apperances, time to register your dog, grant fundings, and lots more.

Mar 31, 2023

PJ is here as we talk about the "PJ Trips" this summer, going to Funspot, sign ups for Sumemr Camp begin on April 1, the Easter Egg Hunts next week and more.

Mar 30, 2023

Mr Perry is here with Oliva Moody and Emma Oconner as we talk about the Tech Center, Business After Hours tonight, updates on programs, what Emma does at the CTE and more.

Mar 29, 2023

Chief Brent Wilmot is here from the Claremont PD.  It has been about a month since he was last here.  We talk about what's happening in Claremont, recent overdoses in the city, he doing the Salsa with my wife Christine, Deputy Chief Mark Grasso going to the FBI Academy, and much more.

Mar 29, 2023

Kevin Onnela is here with guests - Newport School Board member, Bert Spaulding, and SAU 43 Superintendent, Donna Magoon.  We talk about the school's conflict with the Town of Newport, the bus barn, the cost of educating a child, lead testing in the Newport schools, water at Towle's gym and more.