Jun 30, 2017
Jonathan Robinson is the organizer of Aerosmith History Day, which is happening in Sunapee Harbor at the Sunapee Historical Society on Saturday July 15th (noon - 4) talks about this great event. Free admission and a TON of very rare Aerosmith artifacts will be on display.
Jun 30, 2017
Chief Jim Burroughs from the Newport Police Department called in to discuss the wave of break ins recently, which lead to the arrest of one man Ryan Gobin (18 of Newport). Chief Burroughs describes the situation that took place, how alert residents reported the break ins and helped the local police, and also the Chief...
Jun 29, 2017
Jean Brown from The Prouty called in. The Prouty is next week, July 8 & 9 and has already raised over $2,000,000 for cancer research. Jean talked about how to get involved with the Prouty, the history of the Prouty, and where the money goes. There is still time to get involved. www.theprouty.org.
Jun 29, 2017
Joe Osgood is in studio and we talk about radio timing, camping, Joe hates fishing, global warming, volcano issues in Yellowstone, people hitting deer with their cars, and lots more.
Jun 29, 2017
Deanna Dolan from the Greater Sullivan County Public Health Network is in studio with Deb Baird and Pam Lain talking suicide prevention, familys who are affected by suicide, help out there for those who have gone thru it, and lots more. There is help locally and nationally, and all you need to do is reach out.